Monday, July 1, 2013

Lost and Found

I am back.
Or am I?...
Perhaps I am here for the very first time,
Because “I” is a very fickle thing.
Changing between the now and the then,
and all of the in-betweens.

I am beginning to believe that life is the process of losing and finding oneself continuously.

Lost and then found.

But it is not the same as the losing and finding of more material things.  We all have lost our keys at some point.  I always seem to do it when I am in a hurry or when my patience has already been thoroughly tested by other things.  I dump my purse.  I rummage through pockets.  I scan the counter tops and even check in the refrigerator…just in case.  I search until I catch a glimpse of them and with a leap in my heart I exclaim, “There they are!” and grab them before dashing out of the door. 

Lost and then found.

We take this for granted, you and I.  We take for granted upon finding our keys that no further inspection is needed.  They are the same keys they have always been and the same keys they will continue to be.

But what if they weren’t?  What if we found our keys and they no longer opened the same doors or started the same cars?  What if instead of finding all of our keys intact on their ring we could only find one key at a time hidden in a million different places?  Would we still count the keys as being found if time had changed them from their original design?

Lost and then…found??

These are the questions I ask when I see an old picture of myself.  I could just as easily be looking at someone else, but I like to hold the photo and remember how this girl felt.  I try to put myself in her shoes only knowing what she knew and enjoying the things she enjoyed.  I can remember, but I also must acknowledge, as I put the photo away, that I am not her any longer.

I have changed from one year to the next.  Through one event to another.  We all have.  My biggest change has occurred since cancer, but certainly we all have those big life events that change everything we once knew.  Even if we don’t, we have changed more slowly over the passing of time, but have changed all the same.

It still disarms me though.  I think of the girl who was lost.  I miss so many aspects of who she was at times.  Some of them are physical, but most of them were based in an innocence of thought.  Every once in a while I will see a small part of her, but it is more of a shadow than a presence.  I lost her, and while I am finding myself, I do not believe she will be found in the process.

Lost and then never found, but always finding.

If that makes any sense.

This new self I am finding promises to be so much more than my old self was. This new self is back…or here…or is coming and I am okay in knowing one day she may be lost too, but that is why we are here.  To adapt…To change…To lose…To find…And to hope the process creates something beautiful enough to make it all worth it in the end.


  1. Welcome back! So glad you are writing again. Enjoyed this story and look forward to reading more.

  2. Beautiful musings from a beautiful person! So happy that you have started up your blog again-
